colourful family photos with hails + shine

Taking Photos with Hails + Shine

Geelong mother of five Hayley Sheehan and one half of photography biz Hails & Shine has joined us as Guest Instagrammer for the week. Jenna Templeton chats with Hayley about what inspires her and what encouraged her to launch their family, wedding and event photography business. After a quick squiz at the Hails & Shine’s instagram account, I knew this is a family I’d love to be part of #familygoals You know by their colourful and lively snaps that their children are loving life. So I just had to learn more about the lady behind Hails & Shine.

Taking Photos with Hails + ShineHere is the lovely Hails on…

Being inspired by her children to start a photography business…

Hails & Shine kind of happened by accident. Matt and I were sharing photographs of our kids and family on social media and soon after we had people contacting us to see if we could capture their families in a similar way.

On allowing space for creative work and family life…

I’ve gradually added my love of styling to the business, so I recently hired somebody to help me with the house cleaning to allow extra time and space for work projects. Considering I do a lot of product styling and use our home as our ‘work space’, it has to be clean for me to be creative, otherwise I’m always worrying that I’m not getting everything done. #mumlife am I right?

colourful family photos with hails + shineOn child-rearing with her partner Matt…

We pretty much do it all together. In the morning before school, Matt will be doing the breakfast and I’ll be making lunches and in the afternoon when school has finished, one of us will be making the dinner – usually Matt. I’m an awful cook! And the other will be bathing the children. The kids are usually running around like crazy. So it’s all hands on deck.

Artists Hayley admires and key people who inspire her work…

I admire my partner Matt most of all. He’s a completely self-taught photographer and I really admire his passion and drive to learn and be good at something he loves doing. Otherwise I LOVE instagram for inspo. There’s no shortage of other mums doing their thing.

colourful family photos with hails + shine

colourful family photos with hails + shine

colourful family photos with hails + shineOn her hopes and dreams for her kids…

Apart from being healthy and safe – things all parents wish for their children – we hope they grow into enthusiastic and genuine people who are confident enough to be themselves and chase after everything they want in life. We hope they’re kind and always considerate and compassionate with anyone they encounter.

colourful family photos with hails + shine

Taking Photos with Hails + ShineOn how and if parenthood has changed her…

I’ve been a mother for practically my entire adult life, having given birth to Ryshi, my eldest, when I was just 19, so I feel like being a parent has helped to create the person I am today.

What’s next for Hails & Shine…

Matt and I are getting married in October this year, so we’ll be busy getting ready for that. I’d also love to do up an old warehouse and make it our home. Unlimited budget, of course!

Hayley’s also joined us as our weekly Guest Instagrammer this week (21-25 March), so please hop on over to the CHILD Mags Instagram account to see her snaps.

colourful family photos with hails + shineHayley Sheehan, 32, lives in Geelong, Vic, with her partner Matt and five children Ryshi, 12, Alaskah, 10, Nash, 7, Occy, 5, Lucky, 2, and their lovable dog Valentine. Hails is one half of photography biz Hails & Shine along with her partner Matt. You can also follow and find more of Hayley’s photography work via their website, blog and keep up to date via her Facebook and Instagram.

Interview: Jenna Templeton / Photography: Hails & Shine