20 questions with amy shipp

amy shipp

Instagram addicted? Melissa Cowan asks this week’s Guest Instagrammer 20 questions.

Amy Shipp is the founder/creator of the fabulous Mum Life Project and self confessed reality TV tragic, shopaholic, wine lover and hot chip addict. She’s also mum to two-year-old Emily. Her truthful depiction of motherhood inspires us to get honest about our own struggles.

I share images because… It’s my way of connecting with others. I’m by no means a photographer, I take all my personal snaps with an iPhone but for me sharing images is only part of the story.

I never leave the house without… my glasses. I wouldn’t get very far if I did – I’m blind as a bat.

The music I’ve got on repeat is… Little Folk by Angie Who. Emmy is still controlling the music at our place. This album is the perfect compromise.

My favourite thing to photograph is… Emily. I want to capture so many moments with her because I’m scared I’ll forget them.

In the morning I always… press the snooze button at least twice.

My dream holiday destination is… I have never been to New York, so I’d love to visit there but right now, Paris has my heart.

I want my Instagram profile to make people feel… normal. I try and keep it real. I think Instagram is definitely made up by two components – first it’s a connection to your image and then it’s a connection to your text. I often share a pretty image with a real or raw post and I like that balance; mainly because I love the idea that there is still beauty amongst the chaos.

My favourite piece of clothing is… trackies. I change into trackies as soon as I walk in the front door.

My current insta-ration is coming from… @__qew__ she always inspires me.

My favourite photo editing apps are… I edit everything in Afterlight. As a rule I try and take photos in good natural light. I’ll always up the brightness and clarity, but I don’t use any filters. If I take photos at night or with a flash, I usually make them black and white.

True or False

I could live without a smart phone: True

Instagram is my jam: True

All’s fair in love and war: False

Fairy bread is happiness on a plate: False

Vegemite rocks: True

Pick a Side

Plane or roadtrip: Plane

Balloons or flowers: Flowers

Cake or kale: Cake

Puppies or kittens: Puppies

Heels or kicks: Kicks
